It’s January.

Do you hear that sound?

It’s the New Year chorus, a two-word refrain, ‘Goal Setting.’

Don’t get me wrong, I’m a big fan of setting goals, it’s something I coach my clients on and pursue myself. And I’ve written a few posts on the subject of setting and achieving goals in the past. For example, here, here and here.

However today, I have a question. You may have set new year business and personal goals, but do you have plans to check in with your key clients regarding theirs?

The first two months of the year are a great time to meet with your clients to understand what goals they’ve set for the next 6-12 months; what will be changing, staying the same, challenges they’re anticipating and where you can help.

It’s a valuable topic to add to your first Client Account Review sessions with key clients for the year, demonstrates engagement and interest in their business plus the information gathered is imperative in keeping your Client Account Development Plans up-to-date and relevant.

Do you have ‘new year goals check-ins’ built into your Account Management Engagement Plans? What do you do to keep abreast of what’s important to your clients?

If you need help with your client account management planning or performance, I’d love to hear from you. Contact me to talk about your needs and how I could help you.